Saturday, January 10, 2009


The purpose of this blog is fairly simple. It is being created to provide a glimpse into our little one room homeschool. You see our motto at the top of the page. We strive to live by this. We also use this phrase to show our children that we love them and are proud of them WHATEVER they do and WHATEVER they choose to be when they "grow up". In our school environment, we are trying to give them exposure to many things and then focus on those things that they are most interested in. Our prayer is that they discover what God wants them to be and they do their best to be their best.

Our reasons for homeschooling are various and change a little with each passing year. Our activities and curriculum also changes. This year, we have taken our direction from Tapestry of Grace. We began this year with Year 1, Unit 2. We had studied Ancient Egypt fairly extensively last year, so I thought this was a good place for us to start. Although we do other things in our school, this blog will mostly cover our projects in Tapestry. My current plan is to post parts of our Unit Celebrations (in other words, quarterly). I plan to showcase what the children have done and do not plan to write disquisitions myself.

Thank you for viewing our blog. Please leave feedback for the kids. They are looking forward to hearing what others think of what they have done. It will be great for them to get encouragement and correction from people other than mom and dad.

Happy viewing!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool... awesome. You did a very good job.
    Mara and Mom.
