Friday, March 20, 2009

Unit 4 Celebration

We have finished up our Year 1 Study and capped it off with a wonderful Unit 4 Celebration. Thank you to all 30 friends and family who came to celebrate with us. The celebration was the "icing on the cake" of our studies - and we all love icing!

Unit 4 was a wonderful adventure. We studied the Roman Republic and Empire. We examined the birth, life , and death of Jesus Christ and the emergence of the Christian church. Science led us through a study of the human body and a really neat "body-building" project.

Here are some highlights that were shared during the celebration.

Roman Costumes

The Roman soldier costume was a unit-long project. This picture doesn't really show the tunic, chain mail, sword, or sandals.

More Projects -
A bean mosaic, a minimus basket, and a paper mache elephant

Writing Projects -
Research paper on Archimedes and a Family Book

Salt maps of Europe

Science Projects

Roman Food

Gustum - Artichokes

Prima Mensa - Pullum Frontonianum

Secunda Mensa - Patina De Piris

The food was surprisingly good. I may even try these recipes again!

The kids at the celebration participated in a project of making cookie mosaics. This had been one of our favorite projects for the unit.

The kids busy on their projects

Some of the works of art.

Our original mosaic - long since gone

The main event of the evening was a speech given by our resident Roman soldier, Titus.

What a terrific unit this was! I think it has been the favorite for all of us so far. In addition to the things shown above, we have read some terrific books. Our favorites:

Mom - Twice Freed by Patricia St. John (I don't get to read all the literature assignments, but I highly recommend this book.)

Raiden - Outcast by Rosemary Sutcliff

Merry - The Tale of Three Trees by Angela Elwell Hunt

We start Year 2 on Monday!